Saturday, May 26, 2007

Life can be terrifying and exciting...not to mention confusing

Ok, so I just got back from an audition for some acting/modeling agency a few hours ago and...MAN was it freaky. Granted it was my first audition ever, other than school auditions of course, and of course I would be majorly nervous. I think I did ok it was a little easier when they figured out that me and my sister were twins and insisted that we audition together cause we're just "so cute!" Haha it was funny. I'm in a better mood today, still a little sad, but better. I got an e-mail from my teacher today I gotta say that helped. And I got to see my, the one thats moving, and i'll see him one more time on monday, the day before hes actually leaving for good. As for the other ex-friend of mine, I'm more confused than ever with him. At the going away party last night for my friend i could have sworn that nothing had ever happened between us... I mean I wanted time apart, and I didn't mean 2 days, I wanted longer!! But....grrr... he has to find ways to bend the rules doesn't he?? Well we haven't talked at all since so maybe I'll still get my time.

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